Jardín is known for its coffee farms, big-ass church, and colorful houses- but it’s also one of the best places in Antioquia for outdoors enthusiasts, highlighted by staggering places such as the Cueva del Esplendor! Hiking in Jardín has been one of the coolest things I’ve done since arriving to live in Antioquia. 


As emphasized in other hiking articles , please check out the safety tips before venturing out hiking, and to keep in mind that the best way to stay safe while hiking is to go with a group or a guide ! If you choose to hike independently using Wikiloc routes, remember to bring a portable charger and to protect your phone!


  • Salto del Angel and Los Guacharos Trek 

Trail Description: This hike is my favorite day hike that I’ve done in Antioquia so far, as it passes close to 6 waterfalls of at least 30 meters. We took a Jeep to a place called Alto del Cuchillón and started walking from there. The 80 meter giant called Salto del Angel is right along the trail, the Cueva de Los Guacharos and it’s neighboring waterfall are a downriver detour accessible by staying to the left at the trail junction AFTER crossing all sections of the quebrada los Salados (the river which forms Salto del Angel). The trail later crosses past a third large-ish waterfall, and there are two more waterfalls which can be reached by veering off the trail and exploring downstream from that third one. Cascada La Escalera is the final waterfall, which also marks the place where Jeeps can pick you up. 

Hike Summary: 

Distance: About 17 km loop from the town center, but you can knock off about half that distance by arranging transportation at the beginning and end of the hike. 

Difficulty: Advanced ! Has some river crossings which may be intense depending on how much it has rained lately, and very steep parts where rope-assisted climbing is needed. 

Highest Altitude: About 2500 meters

What else should I know? Generally, transportation service via Jeep can be found across the street from the D1. () We were charged 30-35.000 COP per trip, but prices vary based on season. We got the driver’s number and called him to pick us up. For those looking for some bonus swimming, there is a sign for “charco el pato” which is a pretty swimming hole with a small waterfall towards the end of the hike. Ask at the finca after the sign to pay the 1.000 COP entrance fee. 

Trail Map for Wikiloc Subscribers: As of October 2019, most of the trail was marked with orange plastic ribbon; however, they were missing at the end. We recommend following this wikiloc route in REVERSE. 

  • Chorro Blanco

Trail Description: A moderate in and out hike to a stunning waterfall of over 100 meters. This blog does a great job of explaining how to get there. 

  • Cascadas La Tebaida 

Trail Description: This excursion is very short in distance, but super tricky ! At about the 7th kilometer along the via Jardín – Riosucio, just before a short bridge there is a dirt road heading up towards a finca and a narrow dirt trail heading upstream next to the quebrada on the left hand side. Take the dirt trail down to the water and walk through the river, climbing up the rocks, and taking side trails whenever possible to a series of three waterfalls, and back the same way. 

Hike Summary: 

Distance: About 2 difficult and wet kilometers round trip from the main road, or 6 kilometers total walking from the bus drop off / pick-up spot. 

Difficulty: Advanced ! Very physically demanding given the slippery rocks and climbing needed to make it up the stream. 

Highest Altitude: About 2100 meters

What else should I know? Don’t bring valuables or wear clothes that you don’t want to get wet!  You can take a blue “urbana” bus that says “trucheras” as one of its stops up the road until it turns around, then walk two kilometers more to find the trailhead. 

Trail Map? – There isn’t one, but as long as you follow the main road, find the trailhead, and stick with the stream you’re not likely to get lost. 




  • Hike to El Cristo 

Trail Description: A pretty (but hilly) walk to the Christ Statue from the town center, with awesome views of the town below. For those that haven’t yet passed by Cascada La Escalera, you can do a longer loop, though after the Cristo the trail is pretty much all dirt road. 

Hike Summary: 

Distance: About 3 km to the Cristo and back, or 7 km to do the longer loop. 

Difficulty: Easy to Medium – Steep slopes down and up to the Cristo Statue, but not a very long distance.

Highest Altitude: About 2000 meters

What else should I know? If the teleferico is open (which it hasn’t been for the majority of 2019) you can hike one way up and ride back down, or vice versa. For strong hikers, you can combine the longer version of this hike with the Salto de Angel / Los Guacharos Trek, as both pass by the Cascada la Escalera. 

Trail Map for Wikiloc Subscribers: The creators of this map went a little bit past the Cascada, which you can feel free to do as well if you want to swim in the Charco El Pato as mentioned above: 



Other Notes: 

What about the Cueva del Esplendor? There used to be a hiking loop via horse trail and forest from the town, but it seems that the forest trail is no longer available, and the horse trail has been widened to allow for jeeps to go most of the way. We therefore recommend you just to go in a tour () that includes costs 55.000 per person, as going independently will cost you almost the same or more if you try to arrange private transportation. 


Anything easier?  These guys ()  recommend a great walk that passes by Cascada El Amor, a swimming area known as Charco El Corazon, the scenic Yellow Bridge, and a little ride in the Garrucha (like a mini-gondola). 


Happy Hiking everyone ! 

About the writer: Jack Leathers is a Washington DC native living in Medellin and founder of Kinkau Hikes & Adventures (kinkajucolombia.com) , a socially conscious hiking organization which organizes community group hikes each weekend and offers private hikes to smaller groups during the week. If you have any questions about the article or hiking around Medellin in general, feel free to contact kinkajucolombia@gmail.com or send a Facebook message at Facebook.com/Kinkajucolombia